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Image by Thanti Riess


Good News Bible Church is a new church plant started in 2022 for NE Wisconsin and started by Midwest Church Extension, an organization whose goal is to plant reproductive, independent, bible-believing, gospel-preaching, IFCA International churches across the Midwest.  IFCA International is an association of independent, yet like-minded, churches, schools, ministry organizations, mission agencies, and individuals who partner together for the cause of Christ.


Good News Bible Church is an independent, non-denominational church whose purpose is to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ and build lives on a firm foundation of the word of God.  Good News Bible Church exists to help people understand the Bible and encourage them toward spiritual growth and fruitful Christian service.  The ministry from the pulpit consists primarily of the exposition of scripture, with a life-centered application for families and individuals of all ages.  Good News Bible Church is a place where one comes to hear the word preached, sing hymns and spiritual songs of praise to the Lord, pray for God's direction and blessing for their family and loved ones, enjoy the company of dear Christian friends, and use their time and talents in humble service to the Lord.  Good News Bible Church is a place where individuals and families can be spiritually strengthened and prepared to live a life pleasing to the Lord.

What We Believe

We believe and teach the bible is God's true, authoritative, and necessary message to mankind.


We believe and teach the mystery of the trinity, that which God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three separate persons, they are equally and fully God.


We believe and teach God the Son became man in the person of Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose from the dead, returned to heaven and is praying for His church this very moment.


We believe and teach God the Holy Spirit permanently indwells all born again believers, that He gives precious spiritual gift to each believer, that He encourages the believer to right living, and that He keeps the believer's salvation secure for all time.


We believe and teach all people are powerless to please God because of their sins and are headed for eternity apart from God.  We believe and teach that people may heal their relationship with God by trusting in the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross to take the punishment for their sins.  We believe and teach this healed relationship, called salvation, is a free gift from God, and cannot be reached by any amount of good works.


We believe and teach the Jesus Christ could return for his church at any moment and that this truth should encourage us to live Godly lives.


Please click here to view our full statement of faith.

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